Reflection and Dialogue with Questions of the Day: The gentleness of Christ urges us on

Today’s readings present ample material for reflection. For the greater part they are so clear that they hardly need to be explained. The application of the message of the readings to circumstances of our own day can also be rather easily done.

            The first and second readings for the Mass itself present the figure of the Servant of the Lord, presented as an example to be imitated. He has been given a disciple’s tongue. He can speak from the experience of one who has come to know the human condition. He has learned from what he has suffered and experienced himself, and because of this is in a

position to address the wearied. There is today a certain reluctance to endure any suffering, even that which is part of the human condition. In certain quarters and countries we hear of the “quality of life” as a determining factor in decisions, this “quality” at time implying absence of suffering, as if life had no meaning without such absence. This can in some quarters be advanced as ground for ending life.

            Another lesson coming across from the first reading and the Passion narrative is the gentleness of Christ, and its call on all to be kind to one another. Pope Francis has recently stressed this aspect of the Christian, and the Church’s message, and his approach has been greeted by the media. The Servant of the Lord, and Jesus meek and humble of heart, have still a message for our own day. Let us pray that the message of Jesus, as presented by Pope Francis, and of the Church, may be listened to in our world of so many divergent voices.

(For reflections on the Sunday and Feast Day readings see Martin McNamara¸ Sunday Readings with Matthew, Dublin, Veritas, 2016)

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